Call For Inputs 2020 Nigeria Youth IGF
Our community is ready to meet up once more. YAY!
2020 has been both an amazing and challenging year for ICT globally.
Therefore, our meeting in August 2020 will assess the state of Internet
technology in Nigeria and communicate challenges and opportunities to the
appropriate stakeholders in line with the principles of the United Nations
Secretariat of the IGF.
We are building upon the four main global IGF thematic tracks:
(1) Data;
(2) Environment;
(3) Inclusion;
(4) Trust;
to address current realities faced by the Nigerian Internet community in
light of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and other local
issues arising.
But we want to hear from you. We desire to create a safe and enabling
environment for the youth in Nigeria to learn about the principles of
Internet governance and how they can build a healthy network for
telecommunication in Nigeria. Let us know what your vision for the next
event is.
In the next 5 minutes, complete the survey below and feedback on shaping
our future directions.
This public consultation process will remain open until 15 JULY 2020.